
stereotypes of political parties

When it comes to political parties in America, the two largest parties are most often discussed: the republican party and the democratic party. Both parties have thousands of accomplishments and hundreds of downfalls, but with these accolades comes a negative aspect - stereotypes. The republican party and the democratic party can easily be summed up by a list of stereotypes used to describe the kinds of people that flock to each party. Of course, any stereotype is a subjective opinion, but this post isn't aimed at throwing random stamps on the individual parties. Rather, I just gathered a few stereotypes that everyday people attribute to the parties. Leave a comment and add on any that may be left out.

- Old and white
- Wealthy

- Conservative
- Close-minded

- Southern

- Adherent to family values
- Money-hungry

- Selfishly greedy

- Gun-toting
- Young and misinformed
- Poor and uneducated

- Pro-abortion

- In favor of handouts
- Liberal

- Northern
- Tree huggers

Food for thought: How much of perception is reality?

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