
lost - the last recruit

LOST has this magical habit of surpassing itself with each episode. The final season was destined to be memorable and I certainly haven't forgotten a single frame. This episode in particular had a revelation, two reunions, one meeting, and a whole lotta awesomeness.

Let's begin with the revelation. Locke revealed that he had been taking the form of Christian, Jack and Claire's father, for some time now. He said he only did it to show the survivors where water was back in season one...um, hows about no? Christian has appeared multiple times since then, and he even used Christian's memory to turn Claire into a squirrel monkey. Locke is obviously a bad buy up to no good, but his rationalizations for his actions make me wonder if he actually has a point or if he is legitimate crazy, as in evil and in need of a white jacket or a blow to the skull. Who knows?

One of the reunions take place between Jack and Claire, who were finally given an opportunity to talk. Claire seemed overjoyed at the prospect of having a big brother, especially one who was on her side. Jack, likewise, seemed to be excited to see her. Lord knows Jack just loves saving people. That's a big brother trait through and through, so hopefully he does that. Hopefully you wind up saving her once this season, Jack. Because you kind of left her behind three years ago and you blatantly left her behind at the end of this episode. Even I was hurt by that. Jackhole.

While Jack and Claire were reuniting, bonding, and losing faith in the original timeline, the alternative timeline had their first meet. Claire was going to a lawyer when Desmond, fresh off the "I-know-what's-going-on" boat steered her to an stranger's office. This stranger happened to be the dearly-smithereened Ilana who died just last week. Everybody is alive and well in this alternative universe. Claire unexpectedly gets pulled into the reading of her father's will, a father she never even knew. Jack shows up with this son David and the pair are stunned to learn of Claire's paternity. So stunned that they have to leave after maybe two minutes. They left, coincidentally, to go save Locke. What a small city.

I'm trying something here. I was going to simply comment on the flash sideways as if they were an independent series, but I love the actual LOST universe too much to do that. For now. I didn't decide to do it today because Sun and Jin FINALLY reunited after 29 episodes apart. That's three years. A season and a half. They are the couple that needs to stand the test of time for this show to really be about life and love. Jin has to meet his daughter and they have to all reunite as a family.

So hopeful, however. The writers will kill anybody.

NEXT WEEK: Repeat! Yay, what happened to no repeats? In two weeks, there are explosions and decisions are made. It is a must-see. I'm nervous. I'm nervous and scared.

Aside: Terry O'Quinn can make the angriest face . He just pulls it and I'm forced to look over my shoulder to see if he's watching me.

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