
review: MASH (1970)

I sat down with with my grilled cheese sandwich and my Rockstar energy drink to finally watch MASH. I was already intrigued before it even began because the subsequent television show is so prestigious and well-renowned. I was fully prepared to laugh hysterically.

I think I laughed maybe three or four times. I laughed when Hawkeye (Donald Sutherland) and Duke (Tom Skerritt) arrived at 4077th surgical hospital. The overlapping introductions were amusing. I laughed when Major Houlihan was arriving and her welcome wagon was facing the opposite direction. I laughed when Trapper (Elliott Gould) punched Burns (Robert Duvall) in the face, mainly because I knew that I recognized Trapper but I couldn't place him for the life of me. When he punched Burns he let out a yelp and started talking and his high voice clashed with his appearance and it was hysterical. Burns and Houlihan having their sex broadcast throughout the hospital was so awful and so great. The long take after they realized what was happening was great cinematography.

The entire "Suicide is painless" scenario was my favorite part of the movie. Painless Pole's (John Schuck) dry plea for ideas on how to kill himself was perfect. The staff's vibrant ideas made it all the more enjoyable. And then the serenade combined with his suicide attempt was entertaining, mainly because of how long it lasted. The fact that you got to see how far their joke carried on make it funny.

Other than those few instances though, I didn't follow MASH that well. I can appreciate that it is a comedy. I can appreciate the cultural relevance of it all. I didn't laugh as much as I thought I would have but I think that if I watched it again, I would be able to pick up on the more subtle bits of humor.

So, MASH: B+. Will watch again.

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