
fast food industry

This will be my shortest attempt at an editorial, because I don't have a relevant opinion on the fast food industry. I love Burger King. Love Wendy's. LOVE Checkers. Love Zaxby's. I used to like McDonald's until I saw Supersize Me, but I'll eat their french fries for the rest of my life. And according to this Yahoo! Health and Men's Health collaboration, I make a worthy conscious choice in fattening myself up with McDonald's french fries instead of Chili's Texas Cheese Fries...which I had last Thursday.

The problem with the fast food industry, if it can be called a problem, is that it is so accessible. There are options at every corner, even in the smallest of towns, and everything is so cheap. And tasty! America has grown used to this process. People are too busy to cook, so they eat out. Elementary schools' idea of a treat for kids is a large platter of chicken nuggets and barbeque sauce. Once they've had Chick-fil-A, they don't want a pita. And once they've been graced with the savory goodness of waffle fries and polynesian sauce, they will throw a tantrum when they sit down for dinner and see peas and broccoli. They are conditioned to go for the all-American grease bucket of Hardy's and the triple-quarter-angled pounder thing.

That is a problem.

But I'm still going to Zaxby's tonight.

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