

True story. I didn't realize that the "official" term for marijuana is cannabis. I've heard that word thrown around before but, as much as it pains me to admit, I've always gotten it confused with Cerberus. So I thought cannabis was another multi-headed animal.

That pretty much sums up my experience with marijuana. I've never tried it, I've never touched it. I wouldn't know who to ask for it. I don't even know if I've actually seen it. Those Black & Mild cigarettes or cigars - I thought that was weed when I first came to Southern and I still equate that smell with marijuana. I think I know what it smells like now that I'm a junior, but I'm not positive. Does that create an assumption that I was sheltered? Or that I'm a prude? I've never been given the opportunity to try it, and that is insanely rare coming from Peachtree Ridge High School. I know a kid that ate a bag of pot so that the cops wouldn't find it. During school hours.

From watching the news sporadically and listening to everyone and their red-eyed cousin talk, I've gathered that the "legalize marijuana" crusade is a powerful one. According to...wikipedia...medical marijuana positively affects the conditions of cancer patients, AIDS patients, and people suffering from glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, nausea and vomiting, and depression.

That's great, I guess. You'd think they could find something less controversial to use, like Tylenol or Advil, and I know how insensitive that reads, but it seems like the medical benefits are being touted to mask the recreational use. Perhaps if I had experience with the soothing effects of marijuana I would be on the other end of the spectrum, but until that happens, I'm on the fence. I won't knock it if it makes you feel better, and I might smile as you inhale and embrace the buzz, but I'll probably be judging you.


  1. The medical aspect is that we are talking about a plant. Most of our meds came from a plant. Why not use this plant? It only becomes bad when things are but into it, that are suppose to be there. Like tobacco, it would be ok if all that addictive stuff wasn't shoved up there too.

  2. Very nice personal editorial.
